Jenna Forslin

Jenna Forslin

Licensing: 02178751

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Of all the qualifications and attributes essential to a real estate professional, Jenna Forslin’s strength lies with one of the most important — empathy and a compassionate heart.

Her degree in Psychology from California State University, Sacramento, her work as a peer counselor and insurance claim analyst, and years of experience in customer service are perfect prerequisites for a real estate professional who easily earns the trust of her clients. Jenna’s professional background has honed her skills in time management, critical thinking, leadership, networking, and the teamwork it takes to build success.

Cultivating the art of active listening, Jenna understands her clients’ wants and needs as she ably acts on their behalf to achieve their real estate goals. Through a combination of technology and personalized customer support, she guides clients every step of the way on their journey to the home of their dreams. The thrill of handing a first-time buyer the keys to their home never grows old. “I’m energized by people and being a part of memorable and life-changing moments,” she says.

Giving back to the community and the people around her, Jenna volunteers with the National Alliance on Mental Illness and is happy to swing a hammer with Habitat for Humanity. She stays active in her spare time at the gym combined with hiking, long boarding, paddle boarding, and playing softball — or hosting parties, singing, watching a great show, and relaxing with an inspiring book.

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CONTACT Jenna Forslin

Contact Best Sac Homes Group in Sacramento. We are your knowledgeable, experienced real estate broker in the Capital City, with the widest selection of houses, condos and real estate for sale in Sacramento.

Name: Best Sac Homes Group

Address: 550 Howe Ave, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA, 95825

Phone: (916) 435-6850


Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday - 9AM - 5PM

Saturday - Sunday - Closed